SELAT NUSA INDAH-adalah perusahaan contractor yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa khusus, Epoxy Floor Coating,pengecoran,floor hardener,trowel finish,waterproofing system,dan Injeksi Beton.Dengan mengkhususkan diri dalam bidang pekerjaan tersebut maka kami menawarkan jasa kepada segmen market tertentu yang membutuhkan keahlian khusus dalam bidang pekerjaan tersebut,seperti diantaranya pembuatan lantai dan dinding Pabrik / ruang produksi,landasan,jalan raya beton non aspal,lantai gudang penyimpanan alat berat,lapangan badminton,lantai dan dinding Rumah Sakit,lantai dan dinding Laboratorium,Farmasi,Electronic,Tekstil,Otomatif dan berbagai macam bangunan beton lainnya.
ASPIRASI: memberikan kemudahan kepada pelanggan untuk memberikan salah satu layanan konsultasi Teknik mengenai bidang pekerjaan epoxy floor system,floor hardener,pengecoran,injeksi beton,mutu,kualitas serta kepuasan anda selalu kami utamakan.
VISI: Menjadi Facility Konsultasi Teknik bagi semua Klien.
MISI: Memberikan yang terbaik kepada Klien dengan Service yang terbaik dan melakukan perbaikan mutu / kualitas secara terus menerus.
Perusahaan kami adalah perusahaan Spesialisasi Epoxy Floor dan Injeksi Beton.berawal dari tahun 2001 kami membangun Prestasi di bidang epoxy floor,pengecoran semua mutu beton,floor hardener,trowel fhinish, dan injeksi beton, di bantu Applicator yang Ahli dalam bidangnya,semua adalah jawaban bagi kepuasan anda.Anda membutuhkan kami,kami siap untuk lokasi di berbagai penjuru tanah air.
Perusahaan kami berdiri sejak tahun 2001,tentunya didukung APPLICATOR muda professional yang sudah berpengalaman dalam mengerjakan project-project Epoxy floor,dan injeksi Beton dalam berbagai situasi dan tantangan di lapangan serta berbagai bentuk bangunan lainnya di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia.
SELAT NUSA INDAH-contractor is a company, which is engaged in specialized civil engineering, Epoxy Concrete Floor Coating and Injection.
By specializing in that field so we offer services to specific market segments that require special expertise in epoxy floor as the floor and walls of which factory / production space, warehouse storage equipment, badminton court, Hospital, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Electronic, textiles, automotive and a wide range of flooring and walls of buildings.
ASPIRATIONS: provide convenience to the customer to provide any consulting services regarding field work techniques epoxy floor system, quality, quality and your satisfaction is always our priority.
VISION: Being Facility Consulting Engineers for all Clients.
MISSION: To provide the best to its clients with the best service and repair quality / quality continuously.
Our company is a specialty Epoxy Concrete Floor and Injection.
In 2001 we started building achievements in the field of epoxy concrete floor and injection, in which auxiliary Applicator Experts in the field, is the answer to the satisfaction of all of you.You need us, we are ready to locations in various parts of the country.
Our company was, is supported Applicator young professionals who have experience in working on projects Epoxy floor, and the injection of concrete in a variety of situations and challenges in the field as well as various forms of other buildings in various regions in Indonesia.
1. the price we offer are always tailored to the needs and your budget.
2. Victory or a win win solutions for you and us, is always the most important thing for every solution we offer for your needs
3. CV.SELAT NUSA INDAH is a legal entity in the form CV (Comanditaire Venootschap). So that everything relating to the work we do can be justified, and packaged professionally.
4. Our organization is solid and tactical organization that gives us the power to deliver the best quality products and services quickly and accurately.
5. from time to time, we always provide the latest innovations to our products and services, and we provide the best solution for you.
6. We are here to be part of the solution to your needs as our customer,